10 Things You Should Know Before You Start Packing

Maggie Titus  |  December 28, 2022

10 Things You Should Know Before You Start Packing

Getting ready to move soon? Check out these top 10 tips before you start packing up - 

1. Start Prepping Early -
Moving is a lot more time consuming than you may think. Think about your kitchen alone, how many cabinets and drawers you need to pack up? Be sure to give yourself

2. Keep it or ditch it -
One of the easiest ways to start packing is to start decluttering. Clean off countertops, clean out closets. Decide what you NEED to keep and ditch the rest -- get rid of that overwhelming mess!

3. Wrap it up -
Make sure you purchase boxes in al various sizes! ( you can check your local grocery store for free boxes ) be sure to purchase packing tape, scissors & permanent markers if you don't already have them as well as plenty of packing paper / bubble wrap! It can be time consuming to sit and wrap everything, but better to be safe than sorry.

4. Mark your bedrooms -
Be sure to label all of your boxes with what is inside, be as detailed as you like to make it easier for movers to place things in the proper space.

5. Purchase Moving Blankets -
Moving blankets are great for covering large furniture, mirrors, TVs, etc. in the moving truck so that things don't get scratched and you don't damage new door frames when moving things in!

6. Make a list, check it TWICE -
It will help you keep track of all your tasks if you are able to write it down and cross them off as you complete each one! Trust us, this is a moving day tips you don't want to skip on.

7. Purchase Storage Units -
Somethings you can't transition smoothly from your old place, to your new home with everything you have at once. Look into the pricing of PODS or a local storage unit and compare the two. You can also check online for coupons for these!

8. Turn on utilities at new home -
Make sure you call and do this 2-3 days in advance before you are supposed to be moved in!

9. Buy carpet protection tape -
You just closed on your new dream home and you can't wait to move in, don't mess up your carpets!! While removing your shoes can help, the best idea is to invest in some carpet protection tape

10. Call in reinforcements -
Make sure you to tell friends & family ahead of time & hire professionals if necessary! 🍊

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